Dr. Karen Gail Lewis
Family & Sibling Therapy
For Therapists
For Siblings
Sibling Therapy: The Ghosts That Haunt Your Clients’ Love and Work
For therapists of all orientations, this book is the first to provide a theoretical framework and treatment for working with adult siblings. It also offers help in understanding the sibling influences of your clients, whether in individual, couples, or family therapy, especially when dealing with seemingly intractable problems.
Are You A Sibling? How Childhood Relationships Affect Your Love and Work
Learn how the qualities of your early sibling relationships may have become frozen, affecting how you see each other as adults. Family roles and unhealthy sibling loyalties from childhood may be transferred to other people in your life, impacting your relationships with loved ones, friends, and even your success at work.

Family Therapy
Extended family, friendships, and other support networks are important in people’s lives.

Sibling Therapy
Your relationship with your siblings can also change over time. From sibling retreats to theraputic sessions.

Welcome. Let me tell you about myself.
Licensed Therapist
I am a relationship therapist and a Marriage counselor with a masters degree in social work and a doctorate in consulting psychology. In the 1970s, I became involved in the early movement of family therapy, identifying myself as a family therapist.
Over these 40+ years I have incorporated a number of other ways to help individuals, couples, and families, such as Unique Retreats for Women and for Single Women and Weekend Retreats for Adult Siblings. I have published hundreds of articles and more than eight books about relationships in general and for marriage, adult siblings, and single women. I have also spoken both nationally and internationally on these same topics. Over the years, all of this has brought me much media attention.
Explore the other pages of my web for information about these other services. And, if you have questions, please contact me. I love answering questions.
Sibling Retreats
Dr. Karen Gail Lewis provides unique, sibling retreats. By the end of the retreat,
- You will clear up misperceptions.
- You will come away with a better appreciation for what each of you has experienced – in childhood and in your adult life.
- You will have answers to specific questions or issues you had when you arrived.
- You will have ideas for how to move ahead with a better relationship.

Getting Started is Easy
Free 20 Min Chat
Call to discuss your needs.
Call for Appointment
Call or Email to begin your journey.
1st Session!
Let's get started healing together.
Contact Me
Ask a question or call for a secure virtual session for people in the U.S. and internationally.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.