About Me

Dr. Karen Gail Lewis – Family & Sibling Therapist

Welcome. Let me tell you about myself.

Licensed Therapist

I am a family & sibling therapist with a masters degree in social work and a doctorate in consulting psychology. In the early 1970s, I became involved in the early movement of family therapy, identifying myself as a family therapist.

Over these many years I have incorporated a number of other ways to help individuals, couples, and families, such as Unique Retreats for Women and for Single Women and Weekend Retreats for Adult Siblings. I have published hundreds of articles and more than eight books about relationships in general and for marriage, adult siblings, and single women. I have also spoken both nationally and internationally on these same topics. Over the years, all of this has brought me much media attention.

Explore the other pages of my web for information about these other services. And, if you have questions, please contact me. I love answering questions.



Boston University, B.A., 1966.

Boston University School of Social Work, MSW, 1971

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ed.D., 1988



Courses with Salvador Minuchin, Virginia Satir, Carl Whitaker, Peggy Papp, Murray Bowen, Jay Haley, Ackerman Family Institute, Center for Family Learning, Mental Research Institute, Boston Family Institute.



I have been a long time active member of the major Family/Family Therapy associations.  I have been on the editorial boards and book review editor of five professional journals.





Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Family & Children Services

Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Trabajo Social, Santiago, Chile

Catholic University, School of Social Work, Washington, D.C.,

University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Child Psychiatry



Private practice:  couples, families, children, groups, individuals, single adults

Teaching, Supervision, Training, Consultation

Founder of Unique Retreats for Women, Siblings, Couples.

Expert witness in child custody, sexual harassment, sexual abuse,

Consultant to D.C. Rape Crisis Center, (Recipient of Visionary Award, 1997)

Incest Research Project, Consultant, Dept of Social Services, P.G. George County, Md.,



     (for details, contact me)

    Is marital status a hidden problem…or not a problem at all?

    Four pillars of wisdom:  Helping singles counteract conflicting cultural messages

    A life stage model should include single women:  Clinical implications for

    addressing ambivalence

    Always single and single again women:  A qualitative study

    Treating the absent man:  Is it possible?  Is it ethical?

    Siblings:  A hidden resource

    The use of color coded genograms in family therapy

    The missing woman: Intensive family-oriented treatment of bulimia

    Sibling therapy:  A blend of family and group therapy

    Bulimia as a sibling communication

    Sibling therapy with multi-problem families.

    Systemic play therapy:  A tool for social work consultation to inner-city

    community mental health centers.

    Sibling therapy, part I and part II

    Children of lesbians:  Their point of view

    Friendship skills group:  Short-term social work intervention



    I have been interviewed dozens of time on local, national, and international television and radio shows, magazines and newspapers, and internet blogs.




     (I’ve given hundreds of professional workshops.  Listed here are only the topics.  For details, contact me)


         Women’s Issues/Gender Issues

    Therapy and single women

    Feminist supervision

    Feminist Oriented Couples Therapy

    Experiential Techniques in Working with Sexually Abused Women

    Therapy For and By Men and Women of the ‘90s.

    Women Running Men’s Groups

    What Single Women Need From Their Therapist

    Women’s Friendships:  Asset or Deterrent to Professional Growth?

    Feminist Issues for Family Therapist Trainees


         Sibling Therapy

    Siblings:  Theory and Therapy

    Dick and Jane Grow Up:  Siblings’ Taking Care of Their Aging Parents

    Siblings in Foster Care: 3 step approach

    College Students and Their Siblings

    Siblings:  Hidden Resource or Hidden Transference?

    Symptoms:  A Sibling Communication

    Sibling Therapy with Disorganized Families


         Family Therapy

    When Venus and Mars Meet ADD: 

    Multi-Racial Couples

    Family Therapy Training When Therapists and Clients are of a Different Race

    The Use of Color-Coding Genograms in Family Therapy

    Difficult Family?  Difficult Agency?  Difficult Treatment Model?

    Use of Humor in Therapy

    Professionals Working with Divorce and Separation

    Children of Lesbians:  Their Point of View

    How Families and Family Roles Evolve


         Eating Disorders

    Eating Disorders in the Schools and for Law Students

    New Developments in the Understanding and Treatment of Bulimia

    Eating Disorders:  Necessary Basic Ingredients

    Family Therapy Programs for Eating Disorders



    When (Co-) Leaders and Group Members are of a Different Race

    The Evolving Process of Supervision

    Juvenile Sexual Abuse Victim-turned Offenders: 

    Multi-Family Groups:  A Versatile Modality

    Group Therapy for Experienced Therapists

    Organizing and Running Groups

    Design and Use of Structured Exercises in Group Therapy

    Supervision of Children’s Groups

    Friendship Skills Group:  Intensive, Short-Term Model for Children


    Getting Started is Easy


    Free 20 Min Chat

    Call to discuss your needs.  

    Call for Appointment

    Call or Email to begin your journey.

    1st Session!

    Let's get started healing together. 

    Contact Me

    Ask a question or call for a secure virtual session for people in the U.S. and internationally.

    For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.

    (301) 585-5814

    Washington DC
